Dibaca : 10,996
BANDARLAMPUNG — Reputasi Provinsi Lampung sebagai daerah surplus cabai harus dipertahankan dengan mengendalikan hama. Salah satunya, dengan pelatihan aplikasi agen hayati Corynebacterium untuk menekan perkembangan penyakit antraknosa.
Menurut Kepala Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Horitikultura Provinsi Lampung, Edi Yanto, petani harus menguasai aplikasi ini agar panen maksimal. Salah satu sentra yang jadi fokus perhatian, kata Edi, yakni Kabupaten Tanggamus.
Para petani cabai di Desa Dadapan Kecamatan Sumberrejo Kabupaten Tanggamus mendapat bantuan agen hayati sekaligus bimbingan cara mengaplikasikannya pada Senin (7/8/2017) di lahan pertanaman cabai milik Kelompok Tani Jaya Mulya I. “Petani diajarkan cara membuat perangkap likat kuning yang bermanfaat sebagai perangkap bagi hama thrips dan kutu kebul,” kata Edi Yanto, di Bandara Lampung, Jum’at 11 Agustus 2017.
Untuk kesehatan tanaman, kata Edi, diberikan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). Petani juga dianjurkan untuk menanam tanaman refugia di sekitar pertanaman cabai, yang akan menjadi tempat hidup bagi serangga musuh alami.
Sejak 2014, Lampung dikenal sebagai produsen cabai merah dan cabai rawit terbesar di Sumatera. Produksinya bahkan surplus dan menyuplai kebutuhan di Sumatera dan Jawa. Produksi cabai merah pada 2014 tercatat 32.260 ton, sempat turun menjadi 31.272 ton pada 2015, namun naik lagi menjadi 34.821 ton pada 2016. (inspiratif.co.id)
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soft-play-To go easy on another player at the table (e.g., not betting or raising against him). Suppose you and your brother are the last two people left in a hand. On the river, you have the nuts, but he bets. If you don’t raise, you are”soft-playing” him. Please note that soft-playing is prohibited in tournaments and can result in penalties, up to and including forfeiture of winnings. This hand contains five unsuited cards in sequence. Our example shows a King high straight. In the event of a tie, the best straight is determined by the highest ranked card. A straight consisting of 8, 9, 10, J, Q, would lose to our example hand. But a straight consisting of 10, J, Q, K, A, would win. Also note that an Ace can be used as the low card for a straight of A, 2, 3, 4, 5. This would lose to a straight of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
A + B + C = 54912 + 123552 + 3294720 = 3,473,184 hands In conventional rankings of hands it is always assumed that two hands are heads up against each other, so hands that have no high card strength are automatically starting from behind and will have to fold to a flop bet unless they catch something on the flop, at least a pair or some kind of draw. Badugi does not use traditional poker hand rankings and it takes some practice to learn how to correctly read the hands. Badugi hand rankings are somewhat related to the Ace to Five rankings; like in Ace to Five, an ace always plays as a low card. However, unlike Ace to Five, each card in your hand must be a different suit and a different rank, in order to count. Such promotions are always a good thing. Not because it means now, you can play the worst hand in poker. It is because we know that many people will now overplay 72o, and we can punish that.
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