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BeritaBerlian.com, Lampung Tengah – Program one zone one product yang digulirkan Bupati Lampung Tengah DR. Ir. Mustafa terbukti memotivasi para petani untuk mengembangkan banyak varietas tanaman.
Tak hanya terpaku menanam singkong, jagung dan ubi kayu, petani Lampung Tengah kini mulai melirik komoditas tanaman lainnya untuk dikembangkan, seperti bawang merah, jengkol, pisang rajabulu, kencur, cabai, dan komoditas lainnya.
Di Kampung Astomulyo Kecamatan Punggur, petani fokus menanam nanas batu. Selain mudah, nilai jual nanas batu dengan varietas queen ini juga sangat menjanjikan. Di atas lahan seluas 1 hektare, para petani di kampung ini bisa meraup pendapatan hingga Rp 60 juta selama tiga kali panen.
Tingginya potensi budidaya nanas batu, Bupati Mustafa mencanangkan kecamatan Punggur sebagai sentra penghasil nanas batu. Ia meminta agar petani-petani di kecamatan lain tidak menanam nanas batu. Hal ini sesuai dengan konsep one zone one product.
Menurutnya masing-masing daerah harus punya komoditas unggulan yang berbeda-beda untuk dikembangkan. Dengan itu, tidak ada lonjakan produksi, sehingga stabilitas harga pertanian dapat lebih terjaga.
“Seputih Agung dikenal dengan komoditas kencurnya. Gunung Batin dengan pisang rajabulu, Kotagajah dikenal dengan bawang merah. Kalau bicara nanas, orang taunya Punggur. Saya minta kecamatan lain tidak ikut-ikutan menanam nanas, sehingga harga nanas di Punggur bisa tetap stabil,” ucap Mustafa saat panen raya nanas di Kampung Astomulyo, Kamis, 19/10/2017.
Guna memaksimalkan potensi nanas batu, Mustafa menegaskan, Pemkab Lampung Tengah siap mendukung petani-petani nanas di Punggur. Pemkab akan melakukan pengembangan dalam hal pemasaran. “Dengan progres yang pertama ini, kita akan kembangkan dan perkenalkan nanas ini keluar daerah,”ujarnya.
Sementara Plt Kepala Dinas Pertanian Rusmadi menambahkan, budidaya nanas batu dikembangkan sendiri oleh petani yang tergabung dalam Gabungan Kelompok Tani. Terkait pemasaran, kata dia, lebih banyak dipasarkan di luar Lampung. “Ini murni dikelola oleh Gapoktan, untuk pemasarannya, dijual keluar Lampung,” ungkapnya.
Menurut Ketua Paguyuban Gapoktan Kecamatan Punggur Paryono mengatakan, buah nanas di Kecamatan Punggur menjadi penyangga buah segar Sembilan kota besar di Indonesia. “Kita harus bangga, karna Punggur ini menjadi penyangga buah segar di Indonesia,” ucapnya.
Paryono mengatakan, saat ini luas lahan buah nanas di Punggur mencapai 390 hektare. Nanas-nanas ini lanjutnya dipasarkan di Jakarta. Dalam pendistribusiannya, petani bisa smengirim sebanyak 15 ribu buah nanas setiap hari.
Ia menjelaskan, satu hektar bisa menghasilakan keuntungan sebesar Rp 50-60 juta. Untuk satu hektar di tanam sebanyak 40 ribu batang nanas. “Dalam sekali tanam, petani bisa memanen sebanyak tiga kali panen selama tiga tahun,” ujarnya.(*)
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Whether you apply makeup every day or only on special occasions, a trusty set of makeup brushes should always be on hand. Shopping for the best makeup brushes, however, may feel like a complicated process while browsing through page after page of online beauty retailers—especially with the many, many different types of brushes available. But selecting the perfect brush doesn’t have to be complicated. This IT Cosmetics tool has more densely packed and longer bristles than my favorite cream blush brush (more details in the next slide). It’s also taller and features a unique clear bubble that looks odd but feels comfortable to hold while swiping on blush. If summer has taught us anything it's the importance of arming yourself with tools to dull unwanted shine. “The Jenny Patinkin Luxury Vegan Blend Set Brush is the perfect size for T-zone setting, and I also use this for a dab of highlighter,” says Greenberg. “It’s smaller than a powder brush so you have more control, and it’s vegan.”
Slightly clumpy Coupert can test and apply all coupons in one click. Hlisníková H, Petrovičová I, Kolena B, Šidlovská M, Sirotkin A. Effects and mechanisms of phthalates’ action on reproductive processes and reproductive health: A literature review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(18):6811. doi:10.3390/ijerph17186811 (ABANDONED) IC 003. US 001 004 006 050 051 052. G & S: Mascara. FIRST USE: 20190119. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20190119 It stays on all day and doesn’t smudge. Hlisníková H, Petrovičová I, Kolena B, Šidlovská M, Sirotkin A. Effects and mechanisms of phthalates’ action on reproductive processes and reproductive health: A literature review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(18):6811. doi:10.3390/ijerph17186811 (ABANDONED) IC 003. US 001 004 006 050 051 052. G & S: Mascara. FIRST USE: 20190119. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20190119
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The Hard Candy Stroke Of Gorgeous Felt Tip Little Black Dress Eyeliner comes in a glossy black felt tip pen like packaging with silver graphics around it is both sleek and lightweight. The double layered plastic cap makes sure the product doesn’t dry out quickly. Though the inner cap broke after all these times roughly after 8 months the liner still draws like it’s brand new. There are 3 different shades available in this range and I bought the Light Black Dress which is a semi glossy black shade. The pigmentation is extremely dark and it applies evenly without skipping on top of eyeshadows as most felt tips fail to do so. I thought the eyeliner was mechQnicL and it definitely looks like it from the pic. Why did u have to “sharpen” it? Just roll out the end?
The NHTSA and IIHS haven’t rated the Porsche Panamera’s crash safety, but available safety features include Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus, which uses individual brakes to control stability and traction; rearview cameras; all-wheel drive; hill-hold assist; and optional rear side airbags. All Panameras come standard with dual front, side, knee, and curtain airbags, and an active pop-up hood to protect pedestrians. The tires included with a new vehicle when it is purchased. OE tires are specifically chosen by the vehicle manufacturer to make the most of the vehicle’s performance characteristics. February 5, 2023 @jjahshan thanks for the question! I see the previous owner had a couple “alignment checked” items on the carfax. Not sure on those – possibly a standard procedure that shop performed?I replaced the front air suspension shocks, upper control arms, lower control arm bushings and had the dealership align the car at ~78k. They recommended changing the tie rods as well. The tie rods were just replaced and had a follow up alignment.
On our website (yamaha-motor.eu) – and any local versions thereof – we, Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., its branch offices and its related affiliates, use cookies, including techniques similar to cookies, such as javascript and web beacons. We use functional cookies to allow our website to function properly and provide basic functionalities of our website to you, such as remembering your login credentials and language preferences. We also use analytics cookies to generate user statistics on a privacy-friendly basis in line with the guidelines of data protection authorities to help us understand how visitors use our website and to improve our website, products, services and marketing efforts. Cookie Settings At Harley-Davidson, the future is now. H-D electric motorcycles and bikes run solely on electric power. We have a variety of electric motorcycle and bike options that are suitable for all types of riders and drivers and skill levels.
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Для меня эффективным оказался активатор роста ресниц Хорс форс. Наносила его утром и вечером. В нем две сыворотки. Утренняя активирует рост и укрепляет, вечерняя питает. После аккуратно вводим основной актив Капексил и придаем средству нежный аромат с помощью натурального экстракта ванили. Другие полезные средства, которые можно найти в аптеках: Но это не единственное целебное народное средство для роста ресниц. Предлагаем вашему вниманию самые эффективные и безопасные способы воздействия на волосяной покров. Их можно применять не только к ресницам, но и к волосам, для того, чтобы сделать их густыми и шелковистыми. Genive – это известная в Тайланде марка специализирующаяся на продуктах, которые предназначены для ускорения роста волос и предотвращения их выпадения. Продукция этой марки используется в клиниках для лечения таких проблем, как облысение.
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Another top hair trend, baby bangs are expected to take off this season. Seen at Prada and Miu MiuSpring Summer 2019 Fashion Shows, baby bangs accessorized with trendy hairbands seem to be the way to go this season. Short hair is timeless and is can be worn by nearly every facial shape and hair type. Why not shave some hours off your morning routine and take a little bit of your life back? While short hair can be a spontaneous change, with some thought and consideration and professional consultation with your hairstylist, you’re bound to find a short haircut you adore. Curls, as they say, get the girls, and long hair lends itself to being a champion of the curled look, whether your hair is just past your ears, a mid-length, or halfway down your back. Curly long hair is only best suited to men who grow curly hair naturally, as you don’t want to be using curlers every morning to achieve your look.
What are the best Kbeauty products recommended from Reddit from last year? Check out my list of Kbeauty holy grails that popped up on Reddit all year long! *Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I think the Korean dominance is because their products tend to be cheaper, and there’s a lot of support from the Korean government for beauty brands to export their products (“soft diplomacy” via cultural export). The Korean government is actually sponsoring beauty stores to export products, which is kind of mind-blowing to me – I cannot imagine the Australian government doing that. I’m always excited for new skincare and will try anything once but I already threw out a couple of other little things for being so obviously off brand Chinese – and I don’t want to hoard these unnecessarily til I find more info, or throw them out prematurely.
However, say the Jets fell to a big 24-3 deficit in the first half despite controlling the overall game (due to costly turnovers or special teams gaffes). Odds may swing in favor of the Cowboys, who may be a -110 favorite at halftime. Taking the Jets to come back and win the game could present plus-odds (say, +130). Should a bettor take New York (+130) at halftime and the Jets pull off the comeback, winners would win $13 instead of $8.70 (plus the initial $10 bet). Copyright © 2000-2023 Sports Reference LLC. All rights reserved. The Jets defense has allowed just one passing TD (86 pass attempts) since Week 9 — 2nd-best Pass Attempts Per TD rate in NFL; League Avg: 22.8. Without Hall in the backfield, Wilson will have trouble evading Von Miller and this vaunted Bills pass-rush often enough to keep up with Allen. And Sauce Gardner can’t cover stud Buffalo wideouts Stefon Diggs and Gabe Davis at the same time — both receivers are better than any pass-catcher on the Patriots or Packers. Thus, the trend of Allen owning the Jets seems destined to continue.
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日本居住者の場合、日本は「全世界所得課税」になりますので、海外のポーカーで得た所得を日本で得た所得に合算したうえで所得税を計算します。そして、二重課税を排除するため、外国税額控除(海外で支払った所得税の額を、日本の所得税の額から差し引く)を適用します。 驚きなのが、獲得賞金の半分以上を2019年に稼ぎ出したこと。猛スピードでポーカー獲得賞金ランキング1位になった彼を追い抜く存在が現れるのか注目です。 日本居住者の場合、日本は「全世界所得課税」になりますので、海外のポーカーで得た所得を日本で得た所得に合算したうえで所得税を計算します。そして、二重課税を排除するため、外国税額控除(海外で支払った所得税の額を、日本の所得税の額から差し引く)を適用します。 そんな中一位の座についたのは池内選手。日本人ポーカープレーヤーの意地と実力を世界に見せつけてくれました! 5つランクを落としてしまいましたが、石田氏は日本人女性で最も賞金を獲得しているポーカー賞金女王。海外のカジノでディーラーをしていた経験もあるのだとか。賞金額では19位ですが、入賞回数では余語氏に続いて日本人2位となっており、164回ものイベントで入賞しています。間違いなく、日本で最も強い女性ポーカープレイヤーです。
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4.9Rating from 1M+ reviews. No other finance apps are more loved Although many cryptocurrencies get attention because of what they could do, Storj actually has a working product. Its success could give it staying power compared to other crypto tokens. By default, crypto assets on this page are listed from largest to smallest by market cap. This cryptocurrency list can also be sorted by “Today’s change,” which shows the asset’s 24h price change, allowing you to quickly view the day’s top gainers and losers. We all know that cryptocurrency can be volatile, with prices fluctuating wildly over short periods. As such, it’s important to keep an eye on the top crypto gainers and losers in 2023 to stay current with the latest trends. In this article, we will take a look at the ten highest and lowest-performing cryptocurrencies of the year and identify some important trends.
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Payforit casinos also offer thrilling bonus deals and exciting promotions. Both new and existing players can find a nice bonus and amazing casino games by joining such casinos. However, it’s important to choose the best Payforit casinos to have the best gaming experience. We’ve already recommended top Payforit casinos on this site. Check them and choose the most appealing choices for your gambling needs. I have tried a lot of banking options, but the simplicity and speed of deposit to a casino with PayForIt have won my heart. It could be impossible even to suppose how easy it is to increase my balance amount with this phone billing option. Even bonuses can be claimed if you use PayForIt: most of the casinos set the minimum deposit amount of around € $20 only, so gamblers can easily double or increase it as well as get several free spins due to this deposit. My own experience of playing games with progressive jackpots says that € $30 cannot be enough to hit a big prize, but this will satisfy a daily gambling appetite for sure.
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So what were some of the most famous systems used by our ancestors in attempting to beat the wheel? Are any of these still used today when people are learning how to play roulette? I can easily answer both of these questions, with the latter first: Yes! the systems of the past are still used today. Why? Because they are fun to play and structure a player’s game-plan in a way that makes sense to the player. A player always knows what to do next when playing a system. There’s no guesswork in how or what to do next. Online gambling roulette games can offer much more innovative rules and layouts. One of the best online roulette games is the live-dealer Lightning Roulette, which adds special visual effects and multipliers to supersize your wins. Or, the Age of Gods Roulette, where you will be competing for one of 4 jackpots, and you’ll be able to bet on a bonus position.
© 2018-2022 Bybit. All rights reserved. There are reasons why an investor may want to get into crypto now: as an expression of risk-on sentiment, a wager on a policy pivot from the Fed, or conviction that Bitcoin will one day fulfill its promise as a true alternative currency and asset. The last may be FOMO, however, and it’s as risky as ever. That would mean we’re now on the slope of enlightenment, with Bitcoin on its way to becoming widely used but not quite there just yet. This can be seen everywhere you look. Countries including El Salvador are making Bitcoin legal tender, major payment providers like PayPal are helping millions of retailers accept crypto, and institutional investors are piling in. Even the big banks, who seemed so against Bitcoin just a year ago, are looking at ways of integrating it now, with the former skeptics such as JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs getting in on the action.
GPA Requirement: Students must obtain a GPA of 2.0 or better over the courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor. I strongly believe that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy stages, almost like the internet in 1990s. The “Facebooks” and “Googles” of crypto-era are yet to be founded and I believe that the only way to grow this industry is to stop checking coin prices every morning, and start buidling the technology, products and companies that will fuel the coin market growth. Bitcoin mining serves two purposes: It confirms transactions on the cryptocurrency’s network and secures it. Banner Code: ECE How to work out and report CGT on cryptoHow to work out and report capital gains tax (CGT) on transactions involving crypto assets.