Lampung Utara - Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Lampung Utara di tahun 2017 ini mendapat bantuan sebesar Rp 6,7 miliar dari Pemerintah setempat, dimana jumlah operasional itu lebih besar dibanding tahun 2016, yang hanya Rp 4,4 miliar.
”Terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana, kurangnya alat bermain, belum didukungnya tenaga pengajar yang mumpuni, terbatasnya kemampuan orang tua dalam mendukung pembiayaan PAUD, menjadikan problem sekaligus tantangan bagi kita semua. Karena itu, tahun ini Bupati meningkatkan bantuan operasional PAUD menjadi Rp 6,7 milar,” kata Bunda PAUD Lampura, Endah Kartika Prajawati, dalam sambutannya saat membuka Rapat Koordinasi Bunda PAUD Desa dan Kecamatan se Kabupaten setempat, di aula kantor Pertanian setempat, Selasa 31 Januari 2017.
Dijelaskan juga, pendidikan memiliki peranan yang sangat penting untuk menunjang kehidupan, pendidikan berfungsi sebagai upaya untuk peningkatkan kualitas. Karena itu, lanjut Endah, rakor diharapkan dapat menghasilkan berbagai terobosan dan keputusan penting, yang dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam percepatan pembangunan PAUD yang berkulitas.
”Peran pendidikan juga penting dalam membangun peradaban bangsa, saya yakin, semua yang hadir disini adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan dan kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap PAUD. Oleh karenanya, saya menaruh harapan yang besar kepada bunda PAUD Desa, Kecamatan se Lampura untuk dapat menjalankan tugasnya dalam mewujudkan PAUD yang berkualitas,” imbuhnya
Ditempat yang sama, Kepala Bidang (Kabid) PAUD Dinas Pendidikan (Diknas), Imam Hanafi, mengungkapkan jumlah PAUD di Lampura sebanyak 448 PAUD, yang meliputi taman penitipan anak, kelompok belajar (Kober), TK, serta Satuan Paud Sejenis (SPS).
”Anggaran yang diberikan Pemkab akan digunakan untuk tiga komponen, yakni pembelajaran 50 persen, pendukung 35 persen dan lain lain sebanyak 15 persen,”ungkap Imam.
Ketika ditanya mengenai masih adakah Desa di Lampura yang belum memiiki PAUD, dengan lugas Imam menyebutkan jika terdapat 25 Desa yang belum memiliki PAUD. “Kendlala belum terbntuknya PAUD itu karena jarang penduduknya, serta anak usia dini sedikit bahkan tidak ada,” tutupnya. (*)
* Beben –
Keterangan Foto : Rapat Koordinasi (Rakor) PAUD Desa dan Kecamatan se Lampura, di Dinas Pertanian dan peternakan Kotabumi, Selasa (31/1/2017).
“Yeah, dad, it’s me.” He shouts over the blistering rush of the shower spray as it pelts him hotly with force. “It was a rough practice.” – filmy porno He does not answer but tilts his head down in an almost subservient nature to his father.
“FUCK! FUCK!” He says, as he loosens the tightened grip on his fleshy-red-tool, while it throbs with its life-giving blood coursing through its many vein-filled region. – polskie porno “What did Coach have to say when he saw all those hard-young cocks in the locker room?” His dad asks.
“Coach told us. To go beat off. Seeing all those tents in our shorts; he said we should have all been working out naked. Our shorts weren’t covering up, anything, as our cock’s periscoped out and over the elastic waistbands of our shorts.” He says to his dad as he steps from the shower. “I don’t wanna jack-off, dad.” He says flabbergasted to his dad as he turns off the tap to the hot and chilly water in the shower.
The now lukewarm water streams through the curls of his hair rinsing away the last vestiges of the soapy lather. It all goes down the drain in a swirl of bubbles. “That you, son?” A voice chimes in from the hallway.
He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes. “Maybe his dad is right.” He thinks to himself as he continues with his intense fondling of his fiery red cock.
“That’s it! That’s it! That’s it!” His father bellows. “You guys jerk off together, these days?” His dad asks, “Back when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?”
“Maybe his dad is right.” He thinks to himself as he continues with his intense fondling of his fiery red cock. Daddy smiled and said, “ that is my good boy. Don’t even want to leave your daddy’s Ripe socks on the floor. That’s the respect I love boy.” I then was told to clean his left foot. “Scrub these whitish paste out in my toenails. I want you to smell and place them in your mouth and let me see.” Daddy commented. It smelled and tasted like Brie cheese. Then I moved my tongue in between daddy’s toes. I cleaned up so well. Just thought I was finished. Daddy said,” the sole is clammy. It has nature feet oil after a whole day in the shoes, you think you finished fag. Keep working on that.”
“Dad! Dad!” His son says in a straining voice. “Release me?” Garrett thinks to himself; he did not wear a jock home from practice. He was ‘going commando.” Is it his older brother’s jock? “Oh, well. “He mumbles to himself as he takes another whiff of the musky scented pouch of the jock.
“Have you fucked, son? Have you fucked? Have you dumped that seed of yours in those balls into a moist hole?” His father asks as he leans forward on the commode-chair. His hand squeezing the bulge growing larger in his tan khakis.
“Back in the day, back before we turned into a modern society, a man would grab another man’s balls and swear an oath on them in his hand and state his words to be true. To be a friend” His father says. “Do you know what I mean, son?”